Thursday 21 March 2013

Promoting My Film

Here i have exoerimented with promoting my film using Web 2.0. I used the web because it backs up my aims and context of creating the film for the correct target audience and considering that the age group i have chosen is similar to my age i am able to communicate with the audience and know what sites they use and what makes them want to go see a film. The most important in twitter a social networking site people my age take other peoples opinion on  the film to make them watch it. With good feedback from friends they are persuaded to see it. Another sight teens use is VUE 'the futrure of cinema' friends use films a social gathering they meet up and watch movies  using the coming soon page gives them a brief insight of the film. I used IMBD as a more professional way of viewing film. I use it alot due to studying Film Studies but its a way of gathering other film studies students to view the film. Also if you type in 'top 10 films' in google this sight appears first grabbing more viewers.

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