Thursday, 18 October 2012

29th OctWorking On The kitchen scene: scene 1Look through footage see if any amendments need making. Make adjustments!Travel to location and begin shooting scene 3.Travel to Location finish shooting scene 3.Prepare Location For Scene 5. Begin shooting for scene 5 
Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm Time: 10am-11:30amTime:Time:Time:Time:
 Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm5:00pm-9:00pm5:00pm-8:00pm10am-2pm9:00pm-11:00pm
5th NovShoot Scene 5 Shoot Scene 5/7Look Through Footage and see if amendments need making.  Adjust any scenes from 5/7 that need a re-take.
Time:Time:Time: 9.00am-11amTime
9:00pm-11:00pm8:00pm-11:00pm 9:00pm-11:00pm
12th NovMore re-shoots of scene 5/7Make Sure all collages are ready to be filmed. Organise lighting.Filming CollagesLook through collage filming see if adjustments need making. Make the adjustments.   
8:00pm-11:00pmTime: 12:40-4:00pmTime 10:10am-11:30
  Time 12:40pm-3:50pm
19th NovFilm Final Scene. Check for any adjustments. Time 12:40-1:40 Make adjustments 5:00pm-8:00pmPut all footage onto editing suite.   
Time 5:00pm-8:00pmTime 10:10am-11:30am
26th NovCheck through all footage check for any FINAL re-shoots Re-take If neededRe-take if needed  Retake if needed
3rd DecPut all re-take work together.   FILMING COMPLETE  
10th DecEDITING STARTS      

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